Administrative State

US Inventor Rallies on 9/16/21 A Decade of Stolen Dreams

 US Inventor ( has a shared interest with CAPR as they are working to restore the property rights of inventors.  US Inventor will have an event on 9/16/21 in six cities across the US in front of the US Patent office and their regional offices.  There is a video on the website home page of US Inventor ( about the issue and the event.  

Individual Choice and Bodily Autonomy vs. Vaccine Mandates

Government, learning institutions, and some in the private sector are attempting to mandate “vaccines” or deny basic rights based on “vaccination status”.  On August 9, 2021, Governor Inslee issued a proclamation, and an amending proclamation mandating “Covid Vaccinations” for state employees and contractors. This proclamation was jointly issued with proclamations from the King County Executive, and the City of Seattle Mayor.  Similar proclamations are being made in many political jurisdictions around the U.S.

The Lame Duck Governor and the Green Brick Road

By Cindy Alia April 29, 2021

How a green win is in truth a green loss.

Legacy building is a fetish and one that will prove to be as hollow as a hungry teenager’s leg.  The green brick road Inslee has tried to build over the years has fed his extravagant trust in and reverence of climate worship while missing the goal.  Climate Czar he is not, but he has chosen to continue his pursuit of the building of his green brick road and to claim it exists even though many of the bricks are missing. 

Senate Bill 5126 dividing the state.

Senate bill 5126 is a divisive bill, although it is a cap and trade on pollution, or an emission pricing bill it has divided the environmental cartel.  The climate justice arm of the environmental community feels there is not enough being done to provide better air quality and that there is not enough of the proposed revenue from this bill directed at environmental justice programs.  Many in the environmental community believe it will reduce carbon pollution but preface that belief on increased revenue for a carbon free future.  A 95% reduction in carbon is lauded, though the blessings promised rely on building new style buildings as well as retooling existing buildings, those in favor of this notion call the bill a cap and invest program, though it is not specified how all the work would be accomplished with carbon free methods.

New bills to increase your taxation so the state can increase "revenue"!

The legislative session ends on April 25.  On April 8 three new bills were introduced to increase revenue for "transportation funding"  Senator Hobbs introduced the bills...5481Authorizing bonds for transportation funding. ,5482 Concerning additive transportation funding and appropriations 5483 Concerning transportation funding.  The three bills increase and create taxes, raises taxes, and creates a new Road Uses Charge(RUC) tax.  

SB 5038 Outlawing Open Carry in Washington State

The Washington State Senate passed SB 5038 Prohibiting the open carry of certain weapons at public demonstrations and the state capitol.  The title is misleading and would in fact prohibit the open carry rights, the right to bear arms in many circumstances across the state.  Your A2 rights are under attack.  This proposed law passed the senate 28/20. 

The bill passed the house by 57/40 with Representative Walsh refusing to vote on the bill because it is clearly unconstitutional.  Rep. Jim Walsh speaks out against unconstitutional open carry bill on the House floor

Senate Bill 5043 Building Teacher Housing - Is Anyone Embarrassed Yet?

By Cindy Alia 3/30/21

SB 5043 is a bill to build teacher housing, this attempt to use an antiquated law to "allow" voters to use bonds to provide teacher housing in every district across the state.

The bill has progressed quite far to date, passed the senate 24/25, and is now progressed to the House Capital Budget Committee, even though the bill sponsor appears to be ignorant on the details of his own bill, and questions raised by the house were not able to be answered.  

The actual question is should property owners even have to face paying for this perk for teachers through their property taxes even while they struggle with their own tax burden and difficulty in making ends meet in these times of state sponsored financial distress.

Green Legislative Bills of Concern Update 3/26/21

By Cindy Alia 3/26/21

Your Washington State Legislators will be working through Saturday to move their agendas through the legislative process.  Bills are considered and continue to be ushered through the process that will undermine your abilities to make the best individual uses and decisions of and for your life, liberty, and property.  Many of the bills will force Washington taxpayers and consumers to fund the expensive and unattainable goals of the extreme agendas related to climate and environment.


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