Administrative State

CAPR Stands for Members in Comments on King County Code Enforcement Update 2024!

June 28. 2024

By Cindy Alia

Many counties are in the process of updating comprehensive plans.  Part of King Counties Comprehensive Plan Update is an Update to code enforcement in King County.

CAPR has read the Public Notice of Intent to Amend King County Code Titles 9, 12, 17, and 23, and we have provided comment to Summary of Proposed Ordinance relating to King County Code Enforcement Updates 2024.  The comments were on the proposed updates after reading both the plain language document, and the proposed changes in the code enforecement draft ordinance.

Please note the email for Tom Campbell, King County Permitting Division, where you can send any comments you may wish to provide to the county:

Email to 

YES ON I-2066 Stop the Gas Ban Protect Energy Choice Lets Go Washington!

May 16, 2024 by Cindy Alia

Updated 7/2/24

Lets Go Washington Signature Goal Met!

Lets Go Washington and the fine Registered Voters of Washington state have met and surpased their goals of gathering enough signatures to qualify Initiative 2066 for the November Ballot!  With more than 423 thousand signatures a very comfortable cushion of signatures have been amassed and will be presented to the Secretary of State on July 3!  Thank you to everyone accomplishing this goal!  This accomplishment adds yet another important reason to be sure you make the time to vote in 2024!  You can celebrate the signature drop off by attending drop off events!

Updated 6/28/24

Pacific Legal Foundation Wins Takings Clause Case!

By Cindy Alia 4/16/24

Pacific Legal Foundation, in the case Sheetz v. El Dorado County , won important property rights protection when the  Supreme Court unanimously said legislatures can't impose extortionate fees to get a building permit.  

George Sheetz built a career and livelihood as an engineering contractor and consultant in Northern California. In 2016, he began preparing for retirement and bought a vacant lot in rural El Dorado County for a small, manufactured home where he and his wife would live and raise their grandson.

Competing Bills Undermine Housing Updated

By Cindy Alia

Updated 2/26/24

We are pleased to note the Senate Ways and Means committee held today at 10:00 am failed to hear HB 2114 in executive session.  This means the bill is dead for this session as it would miss the deadling established for today for a bill to be read on the floor.  That won't happen as the Ways and Means committee failed to hear the bill in executive committee and it can't be passed to the rules committee or the floor.  Good news for landlords and tenants alike who would find it hard to be prepared for the additional burdens and expenses that would have resulted from the passage of the bill.

Updated 2/20/24

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights Banquet Thank you!


CAPR especially thanks all members and friends who attended our event making it a fun and uplifting experience!  Your dedication to liberty and property rights along with your generous support for CAPR's mission of respecting and restoring property rights has made our past and will make our future work possible and impactful!  Thank you!

 “Restoring Common Sense in Washington” Initiatives, Taxation, Education.

 Thank you Keynote Speaker Jim Walsh!

Domestic Violent Extremist Bill HB 1333 In Legislature Again!


Updated 2/19/24

By Cindy Alia

This bill is dead for this session, and deservedly so as it is the most discriminatory bill ever produced by legislators.  This is the kind of bill that would have ripped our society apart and was never worth consideration let alone the waste of resources and time spent on preparing it.  As an electorate we must do better at seeing principled candidates who recognize the differences between right and wrong elected regardless of party affiliation. 

Tsunami of Bills!!! Even though a "short" or 60 day session has begun on January 8, to end on March 8, the bills are pouring in like there is no end in sight! 

By Cindy Alia


Even though a "short" or 60 day session has begun on January 8, to end on March 8, the bills are pouring in like there is no end in sight!  Bills unworthy of special attention last session are attempting to be included in this session, as we run a bicameral or 2-year legislative cycle.  All bills introduced last year technically are viable this year.  Unfortunately many new bills were also introduced this year to bring the total of introduced bills to date for the two sessions to 3,053as of this writing.  Gratefully, all bills will be "dead" or not acted on next session, and to be in play would need to be reintroduced to go through the entire legislative process.  This seems to me to be a great recipe for disfunction!  

Government Pet Projects – Special Interests Get Special Laws

By Cindy Alia


When government works at becoming a savior, what can go wrong? Despite years of government spending on “solutions”, the problem of the “unhoused” is still widespread in our state.  Governmental claims for ending homelessness often require throwing money at solutions without accountability for results.  A case in point is the Pierce County project to create a “Community First” tiny house village, which appears to be patterned after a communistic utopia, but which is an impractical scheme for social improvement in rural Pierce County. 

Learn About Lets Go Washington Initiatives to Reverse Legislative Harm to Families

Updated December 27, 2023

By Cindy Alia

Learn about the successful Lets Go Washington Initiatives to Reverse Legislative Harm to Families, Safety, Cost of Living, and Parental Rights!

CAPR members are grateful to and appreciative of Lets Go Washington and Restore Washington, and all those who worked hard and backed this effort to provide the successes in gathering far more signatures than needed to get these initiatives to the legislature or ultimately the voters!  By all accounts or measures this was the most successful initiative campaign in state history with an impressive current count of 2,635,700 signatures gathered!


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