
Cary Condotta Co-founder of Restore Washington Discusses Initiative 1114

Recently, your CAPR Webinar team had the opportunity to have a conversation with Cary Condotta about Initiative 1114, The 14 day Emergency Powers Act !

You can view the webinar conversation here

We must Restore the Balance of Power to We the People  This initiative will do that by limiting the Emergency Powers Act in Washington State Law.  I-1114 limits emergency Proclamations issued by the Governor to no longer than 14 days unless extended by a vote of the Legislature. The Legislature may not extend a proclamation through mere letters from leadership, but must vote. No individual extension may exceed fourteen days.  

Board of Health to Consider Progression of Keeping of Animals Rule

CAPR, in conjunction with the Cattle Producers of Washington has provided comments and recommendations to the State Board of Health for its proposed changes to the "Keeping of Animals" rule.  Most importantly, CAPR believes regulation should be not only concise, but clear and specific.  We believe the privacy and property of citizens should be protected in all regulatory language.  This rule will carry a broad impact to animal keepers of both large and small scale, it is worth considering the rule language and suggesting changes or your opinion about the rule.  Read our comments below:  You may comment also:

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights Washington State Candidate Ratings

CAPR rates candidates on a scale from poor, fair, good or outstanding based on such things as legislative voting history, public statements, and campaigns.

Candidates are invited to respond to the CAPR questionnaire, and property rights pledge.

To view current candidate ratings, you can Click Here

Please remember to vote, get your ballot delivered in time to be counted!

Property Rights and Freedom Webinar Series Part 16

Hosted by Scott Shock, Cindy Alia, and Gary Hagland

Click here to watch the recording of this webinar

Changes to AFFH
Featuring Jeffrey McMorris, Regional Director of HUD

Topic of Discussion
HUD Programs,
AFFH –Affirmatively Further Fair Housing
And changes by Secretary Ben Carson related to
AFFH with a rule called
Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice
Impact or Improvement as related to Washington State

Jeffery McMorris provided a detailed and interesting take on HUD, AFFH, PCNC, and his duties in HUD Region 10.

Property Rights and Freedom Webinar Series Part 15

Dr, Steven Quay, biotech entrepreneur, will presented and discussed innovation, intellectual property rights, with Scott Shock and Cindy Alia

Creating ‘New Earth’ – The Future of Property - opportunities through intellectual property, the types of intellectual property, and the power of intellectual property. 

To listen to the recording of this webinar click here!

“Property Rights and Freedom Webinar Series Part 14

Josh Malone had a fun and useful invention, but his intellectual property was taken from him, hear Josh's story about the fight for his intellectual property!

To view this webinar, click here.

Josh Malone provided an interesting and compelling presentation on the fight for intellectual property of inventors, the need to restore and reform the US patent system to what we all would consider its intended purpose.  More information on Josh Malone's fight can be found at these links:

CAPR Property Rights And Freedom Webinar Seriers Part 13

Click here to view this Webinar

Cindy Alia and Scott Shock enjoyed and appreciated a Conversation Featuring...

Ethan Blevins, Pacific Legal Foundation provided much in depth information on 
Rents, Regulation, and Housing Affordability

Topics of discussion to include:
First in time Rental Rule
Rent Bidding
Moratorium Proclamations and Recent CDC Moratorium from Federal Agency/State's Rights
How do these impact Affordable Housing?
Are there better alternative solutions to perceived problems?

Spokane Citizens Exercise Civil Duty to Protest Water Fluoridation!

City Council Vote to fluoridate Spokane Water September 14th!

Be sure to call or email you opinion on fluoridation to the City Council before September 14th!

Use this link for contact information for your affected district: 

Spokane Citizens strongly object to the addition of fluoride to their drinking water, in the belief that drinking and household water should be as pure as possible without additives or what can be considered a drug.

Spokane Mayor Woodard weighs in on costs:

CAPR Property Rights and Freedom Webinar Part 12 Featuring Judge Dave Larson

To watch the recording of  this webinar click here:

Cindy Alia enjoyed a candid conversation with featured guest Judge Dave Larson, Candidate for State Supreme Court Justice.   In our discussion he referred to the federalist papers numbers 9 and 10 as reading for an informed opinion on the topics discussed in our conversation, relevant to circumstances we find ourselves experiencing today.  Here is a link to the federalist papers, numbers 1 through 10, scroll through to read these papers!

What Happens to Landlord Property Rights When Inslee Relinquishes His Emergency Scepter?

By Cindy Alia

August 20, 2020

It seems the War on Landlords is in full swing nation-wide, and if one listens closely, local rhetoric indicates this is also true in Washington State.

Governor Inslee’s wont for micro-managing all aspects of life in Washington state continues to flourish, as seen with this press release:


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