
CAPR 2020 Legislative Session Wrap Up

March 16,  2020

My well-developed sense of cynicism aside, I am pleased the 2020 Legislative Session has ended with Sine Die proclaimed after 8:00 pm on March 12.  I have read of rumors there will be a possible emergency session at some undefined time.  That aside, I have not experienced a more disheartening session since we began our lobbying efforts in 2015.  A sense of corruption, weakness, and agenda building permeates our state capitol. 

To Register to Attend the 2020 CAPR Conference and Banquet Use This Page

CAPR is offering special member rates for the 2020 Conference and Banquet, take advantage of this offer to join and support CAPR today!

To become a CAPR member before the 2020 Conference and Banquet and be eligible for the member rates use this link:

To register for the 2020 CAPR Conference and you are not a member use this link

Speak Out on Landlord/Tenant Legislation!

Among CAPR Members there are private landlords, those who provide a variety of housing for rental.  Private landlords supply 97% of this country’s rental housing, yet they are among the most highly regulated private property owners adhering to law in land use regulation, and adhering to law in the heavily regulated rental and leasing market.  Landlords understand the need to protect tenants but also have a need to protect their investments in their properties all while continuing to provide affordable housing to many in Washington.

This legislative session the list of bills opposed by landlords are provided below with the rationale for opposition:  You can call 800 562 6000 and/or email your legislator to voice your opinion on legislation!

"Climate Change" Bills Will Impact You!

We are about half-way into the 2020 Washington State legislative session and are dealing with the legislative clearing 1200 new bills in addition to bills that did not pass last year being forced through the session for yet another try having been thwarted last session.  The most important way to back up the minority fighting for you and your rights in Olympia is to call legislators and thank them, or if your legislator has shown a tendency to vote in favor of bills you disagree with, be sure to call, and email to show your disapproval. 800 562 6000

Hirst Fix Still Needs Fixing, Ecology's WRIA 1 Nooksack Rule

Ecology gets it wrong in the birthplace of Hirst, WRIA 1, Nooksack Rule does not comport to legislative intent in ESSB 6091, "Hirst Fix" legislation. Senators Ericksen, Honeyford, Short, and Warnick provide Ecology with comment regarding legislative intent, and the proposed rule errors which make the rule unlawful.  The rule wrongfully would restrict water use on lawns and gardens, includes drought triggered water use restrictions, deviates from the "maximum annual average" method of measuring water use, and proposes to meter future water use.

CAPR Whatcom has prepared analysis and review of the proposed rule in this comprehensive document which provides deep insight into the proposed rule and the flaws within it.

Representative Matt Shea Suspended in the House, Citizens Maligned in a Report by Rampart Group

By Cindy Alia, December 23, 2019

On December 1, 2019 the Rampart Group released to the Washington State House a report of their investigation into Representative Matt Shea.  The report is authored by Kathy and Paul Loedler, owners, executives, and senior investigating team of Rampart Group, LLC. 

The House contractually engaged Rampart with what is stated in the report as a requested scope to assess if Representative Shea engaged in political violence, and if there was a threat of violence posed by Representative Shea or any individuals or groups of individuals.

The Rampart Group expended their efforts over 4 months to investigate Representative Shea and maintains that the investigators have no professional, social, or other kinds of relationship to any member of the House of Representatives or witnesses interviewed.

Modern Wolf Management and Policy in Washington State How Citizens Lost the Ability to Comment in Public on Management

By Cindy Alia, December 16, 2019

There are two ways to deal with a problem, one is to work to create legislation and regulation factually based on actual, real, and measurable impacts, consequences, and effects on the citizens of Washington state, as do those individuals currently losing or spending revenue to solve the problem. Alternatively, the problem can be dealt with by driving emotional pleas and litigation enabled by building a base of those who have bought into the emotional landscape as acolytes of a distinct group of serial sue and settle organizations also referred to as the environmental cartel, those standing to benefit financially.


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