Property Rights 911 BBQ at Beautiful Black Diamond Gardens!
Turd Tax Tempts King County and Citizens Show Their Strong Opposition!
Concrete Town Hall! Skagit Property and Water Rights!
@ CONCRETE Middle School Commons
7830 S. Superior Ave, Concrete, WA 98237
in Skagit County
Spokane County Voluntary Stewardship Program
Turd Tax Tempts King County
Seattle/King County Board of Health has promoted and proposed a “fee” for each citizen who must use an Onsite Sewer System (OSS), what most of us call a septic system. This fee would be collected each year in the property tax bill which actually seems much more a tax than a fee. Exactly how the money the county would collect would be used is not specified; some documents state it would be a way to pool money for low cost loans should a person need to replace a failing system, while other documents discuss paying for additional staff for monitoring of OSS in King County. This disingenuous scheme is the brainchild of Puget Sound Partnership as can be seen in the Final Funding Strategy Report Volume 1 - Findings and Recommendations Sept.
June 20, 2016
Jefferson County Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) Challenge
Stifling Human Ingenuity by Design
Dollars for Deniers!
April 1, 2016
CAPR Welcomes Glen Morgan
November 5, 2015