
Be There or Be Taxed! Come to Fall City to Speak Out on Septic System "Fees"

Make sure you attend this last meeting so King County officials can hear what you think about being blamed for pollution with your septic system.  We all know septic systems are far superior to the municipal combined sewer storm water overflows that so often pollute the Puget Sound.

Spokane County Voluntary Stewardship Program

The Spokane County Chapter of Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) has some concerns with the proposed Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP). The VSP was created when Governor Christine Gregoire commissioned Bill Ruckelshaus to protect environmentally sensitive areas in our state while preserving farm land. Please include this letter as public testimony that our chapter is not in favor of the VSP.

Turd Tax Tempts King County

Seattle/King County Board of Health has promoted and proposed a “fee” for each citizen who must use an Onsite Sewer System (OSS), what most of us call a septic system.  This fee would be collected each year in the property tax bill which actually seems much more a tax than a fee.  Exactly how the money the county would collect would be used is not specified; some documents state it would be a way to pool money for low cost loans should a person need to replace a failing system, while other documents discuss paying for additional staff for monitoring of OSS in King County.  This disingenuous scheme is the brainchild of Puget Sound Partnership as can be seen in the Final Funding Strategy Report Volume 1 - Findings and Recommendations Sept.

Jefferson County Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) Challenge

The Jefferson County Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) imposes one-size fits all requirements (including 150 foot buffers and the onerous permitting restrictions) that will harm shoreline property owners, property valuations, and county tax revenue from these properties. In February, CAPR filed opening briefs in the Court of Appeals, having moved to appeal from the Growth Management Hearings Board review. The next major activity in this precedential case will occur when the response briefs of Jefferson County and the Department of Ecology are filed.

Dollars for Deniers!

Man made climate change is a theory presenting serious questions. Is it possible the "dangers" of climate change can be "successfully mitigated" by costly carbon credit schemes and the draconian regulation of governments? Should deniers be prosecuted as Attorney General Loretta Lynch wishes? Should we keep an eye on those legislators who could possibly wish to go as far as Loretta Lynch? We are proud to deny such ideas for you!

CAPR Welcomes Glen Morgan

Glen Morgan is CAPR's new executive Director. Glen Morgan was the Grassroots Director and the Property Rights Director at the Freedom Foundation from 2011 until January 2015. He enjoys creating videos documenting Big Government's abuses of citizens – particularly on property rights issues. He is a frequent writer and speaker on property rights, the environmental movement, Big Government, and the importance of citizen activism. In 2014, Bill Whittle called Glen, "The ascended high master of political messaging." Glen doesn't consider himself a high master of anything, but he enjoys exploring the political issues and exposing government corruption and incompetence which impacts all of us. In 2015, Glen was honored with the annual Rodney & Laurel McFarland Award presented by the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) “for exemplary performance in preserving and protecting property rights for the year 2014.”


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