CAPR's blog

CAPR Legislative Update for Week Ending 2/5/22, Bill Status

CAPR Legislative Update for Week Ending 2/5/22  Cut-off and bill status information

Thank you CAPR members and friends for your help in testimony and comments!

We provided testimony against bad legislation and won some important battles!

For bills still in play things can change fast due to cut-off dates and fiscal or transportation status, here is why:

The first cut-off day was February 3, Last day to read in committee reports (pass bills out of committee and read them into the record on the floor) in house of origin, except House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees.

CAPR Bills of Special Concern 1/31/22 through 2/4/22 legislative week

CAPR is working on opposing these bills this legislative week.  Links provided to the bills to show their status, text, and link to comments.  Please do not think if you missed a hearing date or time that you cannot fight a bill, it is never too late to fight.  You can always call or email any legislature, including your own or bill sponsors, with your opinion, opposition, or support of a bill.  Every voice helps inform our legislators!

1099 Improving the state's climate response through updates to the state's comprehensive planning framework.

Opposing and Rejecting the Concepts of SB 5909 Concerning legislative oversight of gubernatorial powers concerning emergency proclamations and unanticipated receipts.

SB 5909 Concerning legislative oversight of gubernatorial powers concerning emergency proclamations and unanticipated receipts.

This inadequate bill will have a hearing on Jan 28 Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on State Government & Elections at 10:30 AM (Subject to change)

You can send an email to the committee members, and you can testify or comment on this bill.  This bill does not solve the problem of extended ememgency proclamation, but rather condones what we have experienced for two years.  

CAPR Opposes HB 1838 Protecting, restoring, and maintaining habitat for salmon recovery.

CAPR has provided this testimony and comment on HB 1838 which if appropriately titled would read "Establishing takings and ruining private property rights and farming in Washington State"  

Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights members from both the west and east sides of the state adamantly and absolutely oppose 1838 and its companions in the Senate 5727 and 5665.

The bills should be sidelined and stopped even though the governor has requested them.  Explaining all that is wrong with this proposed legislation would take far more than a minute or 2.

Truth and Consequences, the Demise of Reality and Common Sense

By Cindy Alia 1/22/22

Admittedly, butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth.  As a former proponent of civility, I am chilled by the new social awareness within certain enclaves of new thinkers, our far-left, and their inability to recognize reality, use common sense in understanding consequences of their beliefs and actions.  I have come to realize these people clearly lack the wherewithal to understand what civility might be as they further seek to apply their disdain held for all societal norms which has pushed them into an abuse of all civilized methods, even while using the traditions long established in this state.  How contradictory that tradition based on civility is one they still cling to, yet how else to improve the thinking of those accused of employing the old awareness, the wrong think, except by the force of law? 

Vaccine Mandate Litigation Washington State and Federal Cases Increase

By Cindy Alia

December 17, 2021

As noted in this post, there is a court case seeking injunctive relief for the House of Representatives plan to bar or ban unpapered and unvaccinated Representatives and constituents from full participation in person of the legislative process for the 2022 session.  But there is more happening in Washington state related to the unequal treatment of individuals based on COVID mandates.

House Democrats Ban Representatives and Constituents from the Capitol!

By Cindy Alia 12/1/21

By now you have probably heard in the news about unvaccinated Representatives and Constituents being barred or banned from the capitol which threatens the foundational “separate but equal” concept of our three branches of government through direct representation and through directed citizen involvement in person at the public forum of the capitol.  This ban is not law, but has been created as a House Rule by the House Rules Committee.  However, in our current governmental 21 month emergency declarative state little notice is paid attention to the differences between law and policy. 

Washington State Tax Structure Work Group Has Been on the Move - You Are What Will Stand in Their Way!

On Wednesday, September 22, the Washington State Tax Structure Work Group (TSWG) begins their virtual Tax Town Halls across the state, beginning in Eastern Washington with two sessions you can sign up for to listen and Make Your Voice Heard  

East Region | Legislative Districts: 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 16

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

2:30 – 4:00 p.m. | Register here

Washington State Vaccine Mandates - Citizen Reaction

Medical Freedom and Informed Consent 

Updated 9/27/21

We witness not Vaccine Hesitancy; we witness individuals asserting the Right to Refuse a Medical Treatment.  We have come to the time when citizens must decide what is most important the rule of man or the rule of law.  Tyranny will last as long as it is tolerated and abided, many seek to gain refuge in the state and federal constitutions either by following the rule of law, or litigating to ensure the rule of law is honored.  There will be a Medical Freedom rally on Oct 3, 1-4pm at the capitol for those who would like to add their voices to the voices of other like-minded individuals.

US Inventor Rallies on 9/16/21 A Decade of Stolen Dreams

 US Inventor ( has a shared interest with CAPR as they are working to restore the property rights of inventors.  US Inventor will have an event on 9/16/21 in six cities across the US in front of the US Patent office and their regional offices.  There is a video on the website home page of US Inventor ( about the issue and the event.  


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