CAPR's blog
Good Books for Fair Weather Readers
With all that is happening with Property Rights, Land Use, and governmental over-reach, it might be a good idea to decide to read some informative books for your warm weather seasonal reading. Check out these CAPR member recommendations!
April 4, 2014
Teanaway Community Forest Meeting: A Tale of Two Communities
How Environmental Ideology Doomed California
DOE Instream Flow Proposed for Spokane River Watershed
The Washington State Department of Ecology explains instream flow as "Ecology is required by state law to retain adequate amounts of water in streams to protect and preserve instream resources and uses (such as fish, wildlife, recreation, aesthetics, water quality and navigation). One of the best water management tools for protecting stream flows is to set flow levels in regulation. Specific stream flow amounts protected in a regulation are called “
Property Rights Win at The Supreme Court! Fortunately, all but one of the justices recognized the hypocrisy of the government's position and ruled in favor of the property owners. By doing so, the court has prevented the government from effectively stealing hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of property rights from American citizens who had properly obtained ownership of land formerly owned by the federal government.
March 11, 2014
WDFW Advisory Committee for Teanaway Community Forrest Announced
This will be a curious experience in community living. Read the members bios and see what kind of advice you might expect to be dispensed. This Washington first bears watching...
Land Use Comprehensive Plans, ICLEI, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Progressive Communalism
Canada Free Press
Open Letter to Pierce County re SMP
March 4, 2014